"It ain't over
  until it's cut-over"

Navigating through complex enterprise transitions and transformations, core banking migrations and deployments, SAP and Oracle ERP upgrades and migrations, Cloud migrations to Azure, AWS, GCP and Hybrid Cloud.

mr. cut-over

Production Go Live

Production Go Live is where the developed SAP Solution is released to the target end users. The Production Go Live is usually governed by a final decision point (“Go / No Go”) where key stakeholders review the progress of the Production Cutover and approve or reject…

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mr. cut-over

Production Cutover

Production Cutover refers to the deployment of the SAP Solution into a Productive (Go Live) state for use by the target business users. Production Cutover can vary from hours to multiple days depending on the project scope and complexity. The Production Cutover is managed using the…

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mr. cut-over

Cutover Readiness

Cutover Readiness refers to the practice of monitoring and assessing progress to the Production Cutover leveraging pre-defined criteria that govern the readiness to commence and execute the Production Cutover. Cutover Readiness can include assessments for SAP Applications, Data Migration, Business Preparation, IT Operations, Cutover Planning and…

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Refine Cutover Plan, Processes, Logistics

Refine Cutover Plan, Processes, Logistics is conducted prior to the Production Cutover based on lessons learned from the Cutover Simulation. Ensure adequate time is allowed for re-running / testing aspects of the cutover including re-running the Cutover Simulation if required (in part or full).

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mr. cut-over

Cutover Simulation / Dress Rehearsal

Cutover Simulation / Dress Rehearsal is to test all aspects of the cutover prior to the Production Cutover; emulating the Production Cutover as close as possible including the Cutover Plan, processes, logistics, resources, IT environments etc. A key objective of the Cutover Simulation is to provide…

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